Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU Long Life Laptop Battery Replacement

replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery
replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery
ISO-90001 ISO-90002

6 cells 5200mAh Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU Laptop Battery Replacement

The new Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU notebook battery is made with Grade A battery cells and 100% compatible with the original battery specifications. This battery is not compatible with DV4-3000, DV4-4000, DV4-5000, DV5-2000, DV5-3000, DV6-3000, DV6-4000, DV6-5000, DV6-6000, DV6-7000 and DV6-8000 series laptops.

  • SKU : CLT59
  • Condition : Replacement, Brand New
  • Voltage : 10.8V
  • Capacity : 5200mAh
  • Cells : 6 cells
  • Cell Type : Li-ion
  • Color : Black
  • Size : 204.90x49.75x21.25mm(L x W x H)
  • Availability : In Stock
replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery
replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU batteryreplacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery
ISO-90001 ISO-90002

12 cells 8800mAh Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU Laptop Battery Replacement

The new Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU notebook battery is made with Grade A battery cells and 100% compatible with the original battery specifications. This is a high capacity battery, the bottom of this battery will extend out about 1 inch. And this battery is not compatible with DV4-3000, DV4-4000, DV4-5000, DV5-2000, DV5-3000, DV6-3000, DV6-4000, DV6-5000, DV6-6000, DV6-7000 and DV6-8000 series laptops.

  • SKU : CLT57
  • Condition : Replacement, Brand New
  • Voltage : 10.8V
  • Capacity : 8800mAh
  • Cells : 12 cells
  • Cell Type : Li-ion
  • Color : Black
  • Size : 218.40x60.55x42.70mm(L x W x H)
  • Availability : In Stock
Product Description
Better quality, Better price

Long Life Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU Notebook Battery, Buy with Confidence!

Bring your original laptop back to life with high-quality Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU laptop battery - Made of high-quality materials, top grade battery cells and packed with safety features.

Features of Our Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU replacement battery:
  1. Fully compatible with the original notebooks.
  2. Low power consumption IC design.
  3. No memory effect, fast charge.
  4. Certified by CE, UL, ROHS, ISO9001/9002 for safety.
  5. Our Com-U��Y�U�, �ň��9BOץ�٢nwv��o&�L��o�7�0�C�I$�:D�{Hr{(�P�Gŗ�qk��>]��)���$��0�Y-�E�ae���Z� �� ,i��:!��oHJV��S�ҘF.X���΄�d7�'�4.��(N�����T�ۉ$5�U����[�t��%��z����I����K(5'�q�1S� ��.��p���=��ގZɑ���B�֥�SG��� ?$Do�X�~�t��G+ކ����ƥԱ�}���#H�d��i�d�9�Xn��d�º�S��}�t���ڳ�$o�SJlO7϶�/�-$�"I�I+*<�46�b���N�dDү�g]�5)�'�A��V���K Tu���_�RR�Fs4�184Eό�r��+7���q�h[?��`b��U����֘�h��DQ$�Boe��@���y�Y�Z�)�Rɰ@ӫ݈5��M��1�Xpx�(����2!9%� ���~H��S�Sv>��ɋ�Њ��Tf�?1���9Q#�3�;> R�j �n���*�U��j�i�$��>���"܅�.CZ2���� �v���x�����{]7�TK��n���9P~[pC�P��(|��y$��jk�ꞿ��g��+��~C ,&)�p�m�N�� }ۗ ��*Ť��a-�� '��9�a6݅%�����^lt���#��ܿ{���Q���o�m7��t���p�q�*�_KhՍ r��c�bL�'���F�_��i��Zhhr���k �K� s݄�����q̝l@"��=�\�߂���(�Í~>�]&��q|�� ���ȉ����B6�9�v�f�B5��CI �xK���݁�Dm��5�uۜ:qF���$��,=n�p����I�T _}s��&L��V˦�����N�[������̕��T��uz�W�&>d�5jbM&r�����[��*�<�u�a��.�`b�3<�X��JOE㗭���?N*BF��� �XW(�&�\��y��Ďn���Ԫ6tX���X<�0���E|�%���5I�ݑ�4'��� <����Dmh�q��,�,T�+ 0��-����r��J5R$IWa?��Z�̗���F��Q,�W��^i��h��)��8���ћ��Ϊ�V���<6�İ�s�_� 0�Dp�V��Z�m� �ܽ�;�U6�s�f�����ع)E������a� ��E�L����}�v�P������v7:��F/T����d���g�����a=��0]��ë�I��ٿ2������З�e�|��f���v[v� �?��m�o�Z=Z�X��Q�L�%e�B1_ �]Su���И�*�%�D�����Q��LDOx^�*��xJ�` ��ѡSՓ������&~�E]m��V: 8I�蜤;��,�l�k��iIpB$�8ԘCA�H�V��>G=�Gyg\Ul*%d��&�qQ�3��$�䑔zx�ބ��k8f���-Ck�M#��e�aCl�?f�Q*A��70ӵ63+��o���>R��i�ۜ�%n8"B � 8L��=2�����j�=��,���3'q�!dԿ�<HIݰq��i }�C�TV�}�^�x����}2�����,�8�i�A�+��hEr�b@���|�����_ �n�R�y���A5��~FRB$��6E��/}ߚ�F#< ���"C�Fڳ �x�\��t� �ќ�sV))���V�*p�< Zť��� ��qc)&X/���*G���� �b���+\�Z���Z��=��+��b��u��UDA��v@z�� &�&�T1<�OTvR�@�����d�`6��� 1L�� f�9�}Τg. /��1ێ\�$_��.h�U/����O'ѽYZ����� z|�Xj��K�B .���,���?���ڰ�:VQC�`^�NjRP8_��;����M�֝���8SĕT� �55a�oVV��vo�{V��̮���` ��|�䭥$�Eq?�WWjŒ[-6l�:`V�z�?�GC����DOQk*�g,�9��% �]��Gs�ۋ�5��#���$7 �g�����8\W��ޮ��KR�k�o��K>���p(�D)��(g��`4�������;ZL��8������Dr�j�5��P�o@?en����q-�`mk��xo�`S{��G��4� ��M�b�MD_�͗ �ʿƏi�'a�/![�vW���(���ߒ��N�ɸ̽���6q�2#�w���E���dL��ؔ��}�Pcg�N�b:�����R�/� ��߮n˂?]nW��s*w�<���������"�`�S�E�ȅ�u�L›Rv�a2o�.mN�O�{�~r��ױ���&�ʦ���+���W�.u���2O���4�u�ݨ ��v���6I �޸��wMu��*�� t����{p�t���a3����l(ܢ��h���w��J�; ��W�<���̒w,���J����lޱڥ���G��s��}�A�3Q04���k_";^b-'7| �{ VI�eR"�k����'�$m���{�bG?X�$�2xzj�������B�F �^ �9�4�|��)���\�wOf::�3ꔢ)� Bg�����l���"� .jZ�,��I�)�e;/���>�=������)�H��W�ŭ�����u��_���ݯ�R4m�]�����-���X�0��A�W |�f��l��$o�>��5��b�w�E`9�۝l�2c���E<[&J�Ծd�H�l��bg�e�a��=L��!�*U�F_��n��-0�{y-t�eD�L J!\abM<�����0�I�*l5d��SUC4)_u�p �$G$&fR%�R��-����i������Bm*9nFK�&�p%��`)zʝ#�,_�x�Z���,�s!����7,T5Q�bk����� b�G�.2Daz\J��0ܱ���ׅ��Szڿ�3��c��8`̽��g�ξ������-�P�����3؋��/���L��{d��:����c�%D�m�Aj���'|A�5�����+Z� K�JM�Ip����ф8�zP�.���a�7�3‚��9��꟨��xEe�݀�>%���Cߝ_�:���X�ϙK�H�m,¬�A��!y@?� �C+��Jte��e��� �)�l�׎o�� r��HS��Vo$�|�/��L�B# ����s">(use Ctrl + F to search the model). Make sure you get the correct battery.
    It is an inexaustive list. If your original battery part number or your machine model name are not listed in the description, our battery may still fit your laptop. Therefore, please feel free to contact us to confirm the compatibility.

    Compatible Battery Part Number
    • 462889-422
    • 462890-151
    • 487296-001
    • 500028-131
    • 509459-001
    • 511872-001
    • 516477-191
    • EV06047
    • HSTNN-CB73
    • HSTNN-Q39C
    Compatible Laptop Models
    • Presario CQ40-314TU
    • G61-406SA
    • HDX X16-1260ED
    • Pavilion DV4-1401TX
    • Pavilion DV4-2040BR
    • Pavilion DV5-1002TX
    • Pavilion DV5-1210ET
    • Pavilion DV5-1215EI
    • Pavilion DV6-1270EV
    • Pavilion DV6-1337TX
    • Pavilion DV6-2001XX
    • Pavilion DV6-2003SO
    • Presario CQ40-321AX
    • Presario CQ41-224TX
    • Presario CQ50-110EO
    • Presario CQ60-110AU
    • Presario CQ60-430ED
    • Presario CQ61-340EN
    • Presario CQ71-411EG
Shipping Methods
shipping methods of Canada Laptop Battery
  1. After payment, we will arrange shipment within 24 hours.
  2. When the shipment is confirmed, you'll receive a tracking number in your confirmation e-mail.
  3. This replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery will be sent well packed in anti-static bag, Boxed in sponge padded box and further sealed in plastic bag.
Payment Methods
payment methods of Canada Laptop Battery

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
The new Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery should be charged fully and discharged to lower 5-10% for 5-6 times for normally perform. Traditional 7-Day Money Back Guarantee cannot meet test needs enough. To this end, we extend the warranty from 7-day to 30 days.

1-Year Warranty
We offer 12 months warranty on the replacement Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU notebook battery! During this period, if your battery fails due to quality problems, we will replace your battery with a new one.

100% Security Payment
Your privacy and security of information are of the utmost importance here at We have taken all the necessary steps to ensure that your shopping experience with us is 100% safe and secure. Buy Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU replacement battery with confidence!


Q: My old Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU notebook battery is plugged in but not charging.

A: If your original laptop battery is exhausted shortly after fully charged or not charged at all, it is mostly a faulty battery. We recommend that you buy a new Presario CQ40-314TU laptop battery directly to avoid annoying troubles, and you can bring the laptop back to life with our high-quality Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU replacement battery.

Q: What if you ordered the Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery and it didn't fix the "plugged in not charging" problem?

A: We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on the Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU replacement battery! If we sent a defective battery we will replace it with a brand new battery for free within the first 30 days. If you discover that you did not need a new battery you can return it for a full refund within 30 days. You can see more about our warranty policy by visiting this page.

Q: How to extend the life of your Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU laptop battery?

  • 1
    Don't run out of your Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU notebook battery.
  • 2
    Fully charge your laptop before first use.
  • 3
    Unplug the USB device that is not used on the notebook.
  • 4
    Make sure the vents in your laptop not blocked and the laptop not overheated.
  • 5
    If your Compaq Presario CQ40-314TU battery will not be in use it should be removed from your original laptop and stored in an Anti-Static bag and in a dry, cool place. make sure it has about 40 - 50% charge and it is highly recommended to cycle it at least once a month.

Note: Charging the battery when using the notebook, or continuing to use the external power supply after the completion of charge will not cause additional damage to the battery.